You can create one "archive" folder if you like to keep your inbox empty, but use the search function to find any information you need. 如果你想清空收件箱,可以创建一个“归档”文件夹,但如果需要查找信息,则可以使用邮箱的搜索功能。
When a user clicks the button, the search function is invoked. 当用户单击这个按钮时,就会调用搜索函数。
Sigil provides a search function ( Edit> Find), and the normal search mode lets you find strings like., but it does not help you find the end of paragraph that does not have a period before it. Sigil提供了一种搜索功能(Edit>Find),在正常的搜索模式下允许您查找如.字符串,但它对查找前面没有句点的段落结束标记没有帮助。
A search function is also available if you are looking for an LPAR on a particular managed system. 还可以使用搜索功能寻找某个受管理系统上的LPAR。
The search function takes the query information as input and returns a result set containing the search results. search函数通过输入参数接收查询信息,返回包含搜索结果的结果集。
This event is an enhanced feature of the stored search function. 该事件是存储搜索函数的一个新增强的特性。
To simplify this scenario, we did not implement the search function of the SearchResult portlet; instead, SearchResult simply displays the user input data. 为了简化这种情况,我们没有实现这个SearchResultportlet的搜索功能。取而代之,SearchResult只简单地显示用户的输入数据。
The most generic search function is through query language, such as SQL and XQuery. 最常见的搜索功能是使用SQL和XQuery之类的查询语言。
The most relevant function is the search function, used as the basis for the sample code included with this article ( see Download). 最重要的函数是search函数,它是本文包含的示例代码的基础(见下载)。
The most common way of performing full-text search with Net Search Extender is to use its SQL scalar search function CONTAINS(). 用NetSearchExtender执行全文搜索最常用的方法是使用它的SQL标量搜索函数CONTAINS()。
Normally such services include a search function and a reservation function. 通常,此类服务包含一个搜索函数和一个预订函数。
The resulting dictionary can then be uploaded to the Omnifind system using the administrative console and associated with the search function. 可以使用管理控制台将产生的词典上载到OmniFind系统中,并与搜索功能关联起来。
The search function is invoked after the Search button is clicked. 单击Search按钮后调用搜索函数。
XQuery with embedded SQL allows you to exploit full text search, because you can use the text search function "contains" in the where clause of the embedded SQL statement. 嵌入了SQL的XQuery允许您利用全文本搜索,您可在嵌入式SQL语句的where子句中使用文本搜索函数“contains”。
In addition, these modifications include changing the user interface of the Classic Registry so that it can serve as the user interface for the advanced search function also. 修改包括改变ClassicRegistry的用户接口,以便它同时也可以作为高级搜索功能的接口。
Microsoft and Google struck deals with Twitter to pipe in or replicate its real-time search function. 微软和Google同Twitter达成协议,引进、模仿它的实时搜索功能。
The success of OCLC lies in team spirit, membership-based management, non-profit principle of service, standardization of cataloging and convenient search function. OCLC成功的因素在于协作精神、会员制的管理模式、非营利的服务宗旨、编目工作的标准化及完善的检索功能。
If you want to find a product, or the suppliers who produce that product, you can either use our search function or browse by category. 如果你想找到一种产品,或者该产品的生产供应商,你可以利用我们的搜索功能或按类别浏览。
Please use the search function. 请用我们的查询功能。
The search function searches through all comments'text, author name, author email, author URI, and author IP address. 搜索功能搜索了所有评论的文本,作者名,作者电子邮件,作者URI,和作者IP地址。
It has attracted web traffic through its mobile applications and antivirus software, and started to monetise its search function this year. 该公司借助移动应用和杀毒软件吸引网络流量,今年其搜索业务开始带来收入。
Twitter has proven its value largely through its search function. 在很大程度上,twitter的价值是通过其搜索功能体现的。
Search function will not be detailed here, and tell us about the main features of trade and prompt. 搜索功能在这里就不进行详述了,主要介绍一下贸易和提示功能。
Why should you stop taking reservations just because some third-party local search function isn't working? 为什么在第三方搜索功能不能正常工作的时候要停止预定服务呢?
The arrangement of goods requires the convenient catalogue structure, the navigation and the search function of the web site. 货物摆放要求建立方便的商品目录结构、网站导航与搜索功能。
This forum also has some special functions, for example the power search function. 该论坛还有一些特殊的功能,强大的搜索功能等。
If you wrote down a list of pessimistic proverbs, it's time to adjust your inner TiVo's search function. 如果你所写下的是一系列悲观的话,那么就该调整你内部”电视节目录制器“的搜索功能了。
In this example, the search function does not perform a search; it displays the search type and the search term. 在本示例中,搜索函数不执行搜索;它只显示搜索类型和搜索条件。
List also supported the search function of the word, in the list directly by the user clicks to find the words, you can enter the words to explain the interface. 列表也支持查词功能,在列表中直接点击用户所要查找的词语,就可以进入到该词语解释界面。
Open a help file to specific areas, such as the main page of a table of contents, the index, or a search function. 打开帮助文件到特定部分,如目录、索引或搜索功能的主页。